

The Video Gamer’s Experience Interview – Ken B. Inge & Beezy430

In this next evolution of “The Video Gamer’s Experience” I turn to you, the gamer, to find out what makes you tick when it comes to this entertainment medium based on interactivity, technological boundaries being obliterated, and emotional moments shared by thousands of people across the globe. Today’s interviewees: Ken B. Inge & Beezy430.




What’s the first game you remember playing?

Duck Hunt and Super Mario Bros.


When did you realize you were a gamer? 

The moment I powered up that Nintendo.


Is there one story in your life that was directly impacted by a game?

This is a good question but no.


What’s your favorite video game genre?



What’s your favorite video game franchise?

Metal Gear Solid


Is there one game you’ve never had the chance to play that you regret not playing?



What’s the best video game purchase you made?

Horizon Zero Dawn


What’s the worst video game purchase you made?

Street Fighter 5


What video game character do you most relate to? 

Leon Kennedy


If a game based on you was made what would it be like?

Action RPG that has 3rd person over the shoulder view. Like Fallout mixed with Horizon Zero Dawn



Ken B. Inge


What’s the first game you remember playing?



When did you realize you were a gamer?

That term didn’t exist when I was young and played video games religiously. I would say that my love for games extended beyond playing for hours with eating while staying up all night. I was subscribed to gamin magazines and read them from front to back looking for something new to play.

What’s your favorite video game genre?

Action adventure


What’s your favorite video game franchise?



Is there one game you’ve never had the chance to play that you regret not playing?



What’s the best video game purchase you made?



What’s the worst video game purchase you made?

NBA Live 06


What video game character do you most relate to?

A mix of Solid Snake and Nathan Drake. Nathan’s humor and quip personality blended with Snake’s loner approach and reluctance to take orders.


If a game based on you was made what would it be like?

A mild mannered, grumpy due to lack of sleep marketer/IT guy by day. At night, a mastermind that works on taking down mainstream media empires from brainwashing humanity. A Professor X looking to lead a group of Omega level mutants to save the world from racism, prejudice, bigotry, and haters.


What are you playing now and what are you looking forward to playing in the near future?

Right now I’m trying to finish off Spider-Man. After that, I’m looking forward to playing Uncharted, Red Dead, MLB The Show 18, Devil May Cry 5, Last of Us


Your desert island games?

NBA 2k, Madden, Devil May Cry, Tombraider, Resident Evil, Contra, Spider-man


How can people keep up with everything you’re doing?

I can be reached at:




And they can listen or watch me at:



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