

ROH on HonorClub Episode 7 Review

Last Week: Athena successfully defended the Women’s World Championship against Miyu Yamashita in another hard-hitting encounter after Katsuyori Shibata did the same in his Pure Championship defense against Christopher Daniels.


ROH on HonorClub Episode 7

Kingston, RI

April 13, 2023


Ari Daivari w/ Varsity Athletes & Mark Sterling vs. Mark Briscoe

Code of Honor set the stage for them tying up at the sound of the opening bell. Shoulder block off the ropes after being shaken off his side headlock allowed Briscoe to gain some early momentum as the fans chanted in approval. Mark’s double underhook suplex allowed Mark to stun Ari with some big knife edge chops topped by a perfect vertical suplex. Josh Woods ran over to help his ally as the referee tried to stop some interference. Unfortunately for Mark, the referee didn’t see Tony Nese pulling Mark out of the ring to sling Briscoe against the barricade.

The advantage was in Ari’s favor with a few fans actually chanting for Daivari. Ari made that fan proud with the neck breaker followed by a hammerlock DDT that gave him a two count. Pitching Mark to the floor and distracting the referee, Ari allowed Woods and Nese to put the boots to Briscoe before pitching him back into the ring. Reversing a whip into the corner didn’t end well for Mark as he was taken down by a cross body block.

Climbing the ropes after a slam, Ari had the Superfly splash in mind. Mark moved at the last second, leaving nothing in the pool for Daivari. Redneck Kung Fu Theater from Mark allowed Briscoe to set up the Timebomb Neck Breaker to gain a two count of his own. Calling for the end, Briscoe kicked and hooked Ari for the Jay Driller. Sterling jumped onto the apron for another distraction that allowed Woods & Nese to sling Briscoe against the steel ring steps after dragging him out of the ring. The referee turned and saw the illegal activity, ordering Woods & Nese to the back. In the ring, Briscoe countered a roll up with the Jay Driller to pin Ari.

Before Mark could celebrate, The Varsity Atheletes pounced him for a four-on-one beating. Thankfully for Mark, FTR hit the ring to beat everyone but Sterling. They wanted to tear Sterling apart together when his clients saved him from utter destruction.

Winner: Mark Briscoe

Match Review: Another fun opener involving Mark Briscoe. While Ari Daivari is a solid wrestler, the Varsity Athletes formula is growing a little tiresome for me especially since it’s every week. They come in with a lot of fanfare thanks to Sterling, interfere to help their person get the advantage, and inevitably lose nine times out of ten. With that being stated, hopefully we get a six-man tag with Briscoe & FTR vs. Ari, Woods & Nese as that would be a fun bout even if it does follow the formula.


– Eddie Kingston revealed that he’s dealing with a hernia injury. Kingston’s want to bully and break apart Claudio Castagnoli in their World title match. But Kingston’s need to brawl overwhelmed him. With that being stated, Eddie admitted that Claudio was more violent than he was on that night; someone who beat Kingston so badly that he couldn’t sleep and had to go get himself checked out. Eddie felt like quitting after the loss. Then he looked back at his AEW debut and remembering the old tale, “You win or you learn.” With his family telling him to move forward, Kingston is ready to struggle and move forward.


Skye Blue vs. Kelly Madan

Showing some impressive grappling acumen, Skye Blue worked her around the hammerlock to set up a shin kick. Madan got up, landing a shot to the abdomen of her opponent, putting Blue on her heels early. Stopping a running Madan with a back elbow topped by the boot, Blue had Madan in position for a step-up knee strike against the ropes. Landing another kick, Skye was able to pull off the Skye Fall to pin Madan in short order.

Winner: Skye Blue

Match Review: Quick little showcase for both women that was okay, but nothing outstanding. Blue has a lot of upside and her working with some experienced talent and given longer bouts will definitely help her reach her potential.

Mike Bennett w/ The Kingdom vs. Darius Martin

Mike Bennett attempted to use the Code of Honor as a way to land an early cheap shot, but ended up feeling a dropkick. Bennett recovered quickly, starting a knife-edge chop exchange. Bennett grabbed a headlock to stop the strikes, but ended up taking another dropkick that put him out of the ring. Bennett avoided a baseball slide, back dropping Martin over the barricade. When Bennett turned around, Darius caught him with an enzuguri followed by the cross body. Matt Taven feigned jumping on the apron to distract Darius as he climbed the ropes, giving Bennett the chance to knock his opponent to the canvas. Darius rolled onto the apron, being confronted by Bennett as the former “Prodigy” demanded his opponent fight back. When Darius tried, Bennett super kicked him in position for a Death Valley driver on the apron!

Taking too much time to roll Darius back in for the pin attempt gave Darius the time to recover and kick out of Mike’s lateral press. Moving to ringside again, Bennett made a big mistake missing that ricochet forearm that allowed Darius to dive atop him instead. Darius had the momentum in his favor when the action moved back into the ring, executing a standing Spanish fly to pick up a two count. When Darius hooked Bennett for what appeared to be a piledriver, Taven entered the ring to clobber Martin for a disqualification.

Action Andretti hit the ring to save Darius from a two-on-one beating.

Winners: Darius Martin

Match Review: Not a big fan of the ending after a pretty good match that was just getting going, but it at least played into the overall feud between Martin and The Kingdom. One issue with The Kingdom-Top Flight feud with Dante’s injury was the numbers overwhelming Darius in the end. Thankfully, Darius has a replacement that really fits well with him at least aesthetically.


Wheeler Yuta vs. Tracy Williams

The former Pure champion found himself actually getting out-wrestled in the early going until Tracy Williams went for an arm bar. Yuta repositioned himself, stomping Tracy’s face. Using hammer punches aimed at the back of his opponent’s head, Yuta executed a senton splash to earn an early two count. The left leg became Wheeler’s focus as he twisted Williams while mocking any retaliatory strikes from “Hot Sauce”. Rather than sticking to grappling, Yuta let Williams up for some chops. Williams responded in kind before tossing Wheeler overhead with the belly-to-back suplex. Turnbuckles DDT connected for Williams, as did the subsequent brain buster … that gave Tracy a near fall!

Williams immediately cinched in the crossface that Yuta stopped by rolling him into a failed pinning predicament. Forehead biting his way out of a strike exchange, Yuta pulled off the Angle Slam. Williams couldn’t stop the plethora of elbows to his chest that left him prone to the dragon sleeper. The referee had no choice but to stop the match in Yuta’s favor.

Winner: Wheeler Yuta

Match Review: While Williams definitely gave the former Pure champ a fight, this was all about Yuta rebounding after his title loss. One thing I loved about ROH during the pandemic era after they got the Pure title restarted is Pure Rules matches that didn’t involve the champion; just wrestlers trying to get a title shot by winning Pure Rules bouts. This match would’ve been perfect for such an occasion since the champ was in tag action this episode.


– Darius Martin and Action Andretti were in the back with Martin stating he is ready to stop this insanity. Action had the challenge for next week: The Kingdom vs. Martin & Andretti.


ROH Pure champion Katsuyori Shibata & Alex Coughlin vs. The WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake)

It was Anthony Henry confronting the champ after not following the Code of Honor. Going low thinking he could outmaneuver Shibata early, Henry actually rolled into the ropes after setting up a rear naked choke. Shibata got to his feet, throwing a knee before going for the PK. Henry avoided the strike, getting swept into a figure four leg lock. JD Drake entered, dropping an illegal head-butt. Tagging out were both men to make Coughlin and Drake the legal men. A forearm exchange broke out with Alex switching stances and pulling off a high double leg takedown. Henry ran in, knocking Coughlin into a body block from Drake topped by JD’s falling head-butt.

Mocking Shibata after JD used a slingshot senton to knock the wind out of Alex drew the ire of everyone in the arena. Modified Vader splash on Alex almost ended thanks to Drake. Shane Taylor was watching from the back as Drake used the ropes to clobber Alex on the floor. Warrior’s Way from Henry saw him double stomp Alex … for a near fall!

Henry was having a great time mocking Shibata until the champ entered and stopped a modified Indian deathlock; frustrated over the fact his student was struggling so much. Alex used the help to rock Henry from the seated position. From sitting to standing on one leg, Coughlin pulled off a suplex on Henry before tagging out. Shibata was on fire, landing that hesitation dropkick on Henry to set up the Sleeper.

Drake saved his partner with a chop, only to get knocked out by one Shibata forearm. Drake recovered, helping his partner double team suplex and clothesline Shibata. Alex broke up a sure pin, taking JD to the floor for a gut-wrench suplex. In the ring, Shibata annihilated Henry with a single forearm. Cinching in the Sleeper, Shibata left Henry out of it and prone to the PK for the three count.

After the match, Coughlin motioned he wants a shot at the Pure title.

Winners: Katsuyori Shibata & Alex Coughlin

Match Review: This got a lot more time than expected and The WorkHorsemen had their chance to really show off. Shibata getting angry about Coughlin struggling was a nice touch to set up their inevitable clash over the Pure title.


Willow Nightingale vs. Little Mean Kathleen

Working the side headlock early didn’t help Willow as LMK bit her way out of the situation. Willow slammed Kathleen to stop the bite. LMK attacked Willow from behind, stomping a mudhole into her opposition. When LMK tried to jump atop her, Willow got her knees up. LMK stumbled into the corner, getting splashed in the corner with the hip attack. LMK couldn’t stop the Oklahoma stampede or the subsequent three count in Nightingale’s favor.

Winner: Willow Nightingale

Match Review: Another Willow squash against a rather different, somewhat dishonorable opponent who brought something different to not only the match; but also the Women’s division if they bring her back soon. Willow has a good amount of momentum right now and here’s hoping it leads to another shot at the title.


Tony Nese w/ Mark Sterling vs. Stu Grayson w/ Evil Uno

Cheap shot early from Tony Nese didn’t help him as he ran into a hurricarana topped by the overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Nese tried to reenter, getting leg swept onto the apron for a slingshot senton splash. Grayson performed a somersault plancha on Nese at ringside to a big ovation. Just when it seemed Stu had everything going his way, Nese stopped a springboard attack to send Grayson flying into the steel barricades.

“The Premier Athlete” had Stu stuck in the ring’s middle, squeezing his body until he decided to let him go and put him on the top. Stu countered whatever Nese had in mind with the gourdbuster. Coming off the top with a sunset flip didn’t help Grayson as Nese rolled through and connected with a buzzsaw kick on his seated opponent. Stu kicked out of the follow up pin, leading to a forearm exchange.

Using a uranage to stop the running Nese, Stu pulled off a corkscrew asai moonsault to earn a two count. TKO facebuster worked for Stu, but didn’t end this match. Nese left the ring again, using the hotshot when Grayson was close enough. Sending Stu into the steel ring post didn’t affect Stu much as he pulled off a Pele kick to set up that Darkness Falls backbreaker. Grayson made the cover, picking up a big win.

Before The Dark Order could celebrate, The Righteous’ music hit to bring out Vincent & Dutch. They were giving Stu a standing applause, ignoring Uno.

Winner: Stu Grayson

Match Review: After the opening contest that had more shenanigans that one could stomach after seeing the same thing for weeks, this match was simply rooted in two great wrestlers just going at each other until one couldn’t stand anymore. Tony Nese doesn’t get enough credit for being one of the best all-around talents in ROH/AEW and Stu has been fantastic for a long time. It’ll also be interesting to see how the who story with The Righteous and The Dark Order plays out and if it’ll spread to AEW programming..


– In a promo backstage, The Righteous explained that society is trapped in a cage. Dutch stated they don’t want to hurt Grayson, “We want to keep you!”


Proving Ground Match: ROH Women’s World champion Athena vs. Ashley D’Amboise

ROH’s version of a title contender eliminator where the potential title challenger has to either defeat the champion within ten minutes or survive until the time limit expires. Unfortunately there was no onscreen clock or the announcer giving time warnings.

Ashley D’Amboise showed some impressive counter abilities with her gymnastics. Posing in correlation with the fans’ adulation didn’t help the would-be challenger as Athena came running across the ring to dropkick her opponent. Athena put the boots to Ashley with ease. Ashley attempted to forearm her way to an advantage, taking a super kick for her trouble.

Countering an Octopus stretch with the roll up, Ashley started unleashing clotheslines until she thought she had “The Fallen Goddess” prone for something off the top. Athena pushed her opposition backside-first across the apron before dropkicking her to the floor for a tope. Athena started beating Ashley around the ring until her wannabe challenger was stuck against the steel ring steps for that running knee strike. D’Amboise staggered to her feet after being shoved into the ring, unable to stop the O-Face or the subsequent pin fall in the champ’s favor.

Winner: Athena

Match Review: While flashy and able to stand up to the initial onslaught, Ashley was unprepared for the always-impressive ruthlessness of Athena. Though it seems like Ashley is only another name on a growing list of failed challenges against the champ, there’s a chance she’ll give her a real challenge in the near future if the post-match interview is any indication.

– Lexy Nair caught up with Ashley D’Amboise to ask her about her thoughts on coming up short. Athena came onto the scene and attacked Ashley. Athena was infuriated with the level of competition she was getting after insulting her most recent opponent who seemed ready for revenge when Athena left the area.

ROH World Championship: Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. Metalik

Muscling the challenger into the corner after following the Code of Honor, Claudio Castagnoli found himself having to stop some lucha moves by grounding his masked opposition. But Metalik was able to survive the initial onslaught, using a press & toss to spring off the ropes and head scissor the champ out of the ring. When Metalik came running off the apron with a somersault press, Claudio caught him and slammed his challenger face & chest first against the ring’s edge courtesy of the alley-oop. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker worked for Claudio, but the champ allowed his opponent to get up so he could execute a running European uppercut in the corner Metalik used to get up with as the fans rallied behind the challenger.

Metalik countered another tilt-a-whirl attack with the small package. Claudio kicked out, knocking Metalik down almost immediately. Countering another submission, Metalik sprung over the top to the middle rope for a hurricarana after Claudio pitched him over the top rope. With Castagnoli grabbing Metalik’s hands for something, Metalik used the momentum to yank the champ into a slingblade. Claudio left the ring, only to get taken down by a crazy plancha. Springboard splash after rolling the champ back in almost ended this one in Metalik’s favor. Blocking a fireman’s carry was Castagnoli, allowing Claudio to set up the Ricola Bomb. Metalik countered the manuever in midair with a sunset flip … for a near fall!

Metalik signaled for something big off the top when Claudio got his boots up. Metalik’s moonsault resulted in him getting knocked back by said elevated boots before he was turned inside-out by a clothesline. Metalik kicked out of Castagnoli’s follow up pin, but he was out of it as he was being peppered by rights & lefts. Blocking a superplex, Metalik walked the ropes to pull off a hurricarana … for another near fall!

Castagnoli was in the ring’s middle, getting his knees up to stop an elbow drop from the top. Metalik landed, prone to the crossface that he countered with a pinning combination. Claudio kicked out, almost knocking Metalik out his mask with the running European uppercut. Metalik was out on his feet, prone to those knockout elbows to the chest before feeling the Neutralizer. Claudio made the cover, pinning another challenger.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

Match Review: For those who didn’t watch Claudio before his time in WWE or run in AEW, his ability to work a lucha style thanks to his training with Chris Hero and experience with CHIKARA allows him to work incredibly well with someone like Metalik. The closing minutes were sensational until Claudio just obliterated his foe. With Eddie out for an unspecified amount of time, it’ll be interesting to see who will step up and be Claudio’s next title rival.


Overall Review: Another solid episode this week with the main event, Grayson-Nese, and Shibata tag bouts being the biggest highlights. There are some nice winning streaks going on including Briscoe’s, Willow’s, and, of course, Athena’s with the latter wanting tougher competition. Andretti, who hasn’t been much of a factor on AEW programming as of late, is a perfect partner for Darius and should thrive in ROH beyond their feud with The Kingdom. Another positive about this episode was the Eddie Kingston video package & promo. ROH programming needs more of this kind of stuff to get viewers interested in the various faces seen each week and their goals similar to what ROH was doing during the pandemic era.

One thing that must be noted about this episode was the crowd was a lot more lively than last week’s. With ROH programming being taped during AEW events, there are going be those weeks where the crowd is or isn’t into the ROH portion. Thankfully for this episode, the Rhode Island attendees added to the show with their liveliness.

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