

The Simple Resolution

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson 


New Year’s day has come and gone. People around the world have made it a point to create, state and attempt to reinforce and/or modify those “life-changing” statements we all know as “resolutions”. But there’s a good chance that those resolutions have fallen by the wayside; either never to be mentioned again or only brought up again almost a year later when that ball begins to drop and signal another new year is approaching. But there is a way to no fail in formulating and executing a new year’s resolution.

Keep it simple by saying that, “This year I will work on becoming a better me.”

While that doesn’t sound as good as, “I’m going to exercise every day,” or, “I will eat healthier this year,” the simple resolution of bettering yourself overall can encompass almost any positive resolution someone can think of. While I’m not the paragon of virtue and knowledge, I know for a fact that if you can follow through with the resolution of bettering yourself for the year’s remainder you will look back on the 300-plus days while the clock ticks down to begin anew with a smile on your face and success in your heart.

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